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A better way to better grades

Understand and improve your grades, as teachers post them


Get results as soon as teachers grade your work.

CanvasCBL's grades are updated the second teachers grade something. No more waiting until tomorrow.


Gain a deeper understanding of your grades.

CanvasCBL's Grade Breakdowns give you deeper insight into your grades and show you how to improve them.


Can't get off your phone?

Neither can we. All our amazing features are always on your phone. Just head to canvascbl.com.


Want an email when your grades change?

We can do that too. We'll notify you every time your grades change (if you'd like!).

Steven Sutton

CanvasCBL has helped me keep track of all my grades, figure out what they mean, and most importantly, improve them. Any d.tech student looking for a system to manage and understand grades should look no further than CanvasCBL.

Steven Sutton - d.tech '23

Better grades start here